Thursday, August 3, 2023

Back to blog

Twenty-three years ago, I read an article in the New Yorker about this new phenomenon called blogging, and the two prominent people behind it, Meg Hourihan and Jason Kottke. A year later, ten days after 9/11, I wrote my first post on my first blog. I neglected it, revived it, neglected it again, and this year, after getting a massive hosting bill, I decided to ditch it. I returned to good old Blogger, on which I'm starting this new blog, mainly for thoughts that are too long for Mastodon. You'll find me there as It's good to start things.

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JSLL #10 - Urashima Tarou - Ninth sentence

If you've followed along so far, this sentence should be fairly easy. It only introduces one new kanji and  two new words.  浦島太郎はまた船にのって...