Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Spinach quiche

This recipe was the basis for this dish, although I didn't follow the instructions religiously.

I'm very fortunate to live near a supermarket that stocks dough for quiches and pies. It's a roll that you roll out into a nice circle shape, exactly the right thickness, sitting on top of a sheet of baking paper. You can just transfer the whole thing, paper and dough, into a round quiche mold, tear off the parts that spill over the side, punch some holes in the bottom with a fork, and you're good to go. Best of all, you don't need to blind bake it before putting in the filling.

All of this makes the following recipe a lot easier to make. If you're not lucky enough to have this instant quiche dough like me, start with the dough early, rolling it out and then blind baking it with those ceramic baking beans weighing it down. After that, just follow the instructions below for the filling.

Boil some 3 cm of water in a pot, and when it boils, bring it to a simmer. Place a steaming basket or a steel colander over the top of the pot and put in 200g fresh spinach. Cover it and let it steam for some 5-10 minutes, until it's good and wilted. You may need to stir it a bit halfway through.

In a big bowl, crack six eggs and add 200 ml milk. Whisk until mixed well. Slice a few scallions and throw them in there. Crumble 100 g feta, add that too. Squeeze as much water as you can out of the wilted spinach. I put it between two cutting boards and then press down, and if it's not too hot anymore, I also just squeeze it between my hands. Pull bits and pieces off the resulting spinach ball and add all the spinach like this. Mix everything together, then pour the mix into the dough container and bake the whole thing for 40 minutes at 200 °C. 

While I waited, I made a side salad by grating some carrots and mixing them with a big dollop of mayo.

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