Monday, May 6, 2024

Tom Kha Gai


Here's a recipe for a vegan Tom Kha Gai from Instagram user nomeatdisco. I played with the recipe a bit.

First slice 250g button mushrooms (you can leave them whole if they're small). Mince 3 garlic cloves and shred an onion. Melt 1 tbsp coconut oil in a pot and add the mushrooms, garlic and onion. Stir and heat until the mushrooms get a bit of color of them, some 3-5 minutes. 

Add a tablespoon of red curry paste and some finely chopped lemongrass. Then add a can of coconut milk, bring it to the boil, add 2 teaspoons brown sugar, and bring it down to a simmer.

While that's going on, in a skillet, melt another tablespoon of coconut oil. Put two portobello mushrooms in, cap down, and place something heavy on them. Fry like that for a few minutes, then flip them around and fry for a few minutes more.

Meanwhile, mix the following: 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon maple syrup, 2 tablespoons hot water, and 1 teaspoon garlic powder. Mix well (use a hand blender), then pour it over the portobellos. It will thicken in a few minutes. Put the portobellos, covered in sauce, on a chopping board and cut each into thin, long slices.

For garnish, chop some coriander leaves and some chives, and tear up a sheet of nori.

Pour the soup into two bowls or deep plates and top each with one sliced portobello, as well as with the toppings provided.

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